CLICK HERE for 2025 Star Patron details and Registration
About the Program:
This is your chance to enjoy the entire PCPA season and be treated like a star. Plus you will provide critical support for Solvang Theaterfest.
Our Star Patron program includes VIP tickets for each play on the designated Star Patron Night, plus a pre-performance catered reception with hosted bar and guest speaker and an intermission reception with dessert and coffee -- all in the beautiful Patron Garden. Star Patrons are also able to purchase Music in the Garden concert series tickets at a reduced rate.
The price of our Star Patron program includes your show tickets, the exclusive receptions, and a tax deductible contribution to Solvang Festival Theater, which supports this very special venue.
For more information, call Solvang Theaterfest business office at (805)686-1789 , or email us at
This program is available only through Solvang Theaterfest. It is not available through PCPA.